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How Is GPR So Useful for Pin Pointing Service Locations in Busy Habitat?

How Is GPR So Useful for Pin Pointing Service Locations in Busy Habitat

How Is GPR So Useful for Pin Pointing Service Locations in Busy Habitat?

October 23, 2018 Posted by - Admin Posted In: General

Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) is a geophysical method that uses radar pulses to image the subsurface. This nondestructive method uses electromagnetic radiation in the microwave band (UHF/VHF frequencies) of the radio spectrum and detects the reflected signals from subsurface structures. Utility locating is the process of identifying and labeling utilities which are underground. These include lines for telephones, natural gas, fiber optics, electric grids, traffic lights, and wastewater pipes. Different detection and location methods are being used for the different types of underground lines. One of the safest ways of modern detection is through the use of ground-penetrating radar (GPR).

Here we discuss that how ground penetrating plays an important role in busy places.

Non-destructive examination:
The GPR method is based on electromagnetic or magnetic principles. It can identify and map the location of subsurface utilities, reinforcing steel within concrete, and voids without damage to the surrounding structures and surfaces. It can inspect a site non-intrusively, preserve the structure and help avoid project downtime.

Cost Reduction:
Lower cost and simple operation have increased the practice of GPR in the utility locating market as well as other traditional markets. Deploying GPR methods prior to directional drilling prevents damage to existing utilities, thus resulting in cost-effective installations. It can eliminate the chance for expensive job downtime or setbacks due to structure damage, facility shut down for a severed utility line, or worker injury.

Keep Your Project Within Schedule:
Every project runs on a tight schedule and engineers, architects, contractors, etc. spend vast amounts of time project planning. One of the biggest project management issues is, of course, unforeseen issues, like when a utility pipe gets cut or damaged during excavation, or an electrical conduit was cut while drilling a concrete slab. That’s why Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and vacuum excavation technology were invented, to avoid these costly errors.

Reduce Personal and Site Safety Risks:
Having a clear plan of your construction site from our GPR data is one thing to control costs and schedule, having the ability to know where underground utilities are to limit the risks of employee injury is another. The number one concern on any construction sites these days is safety. Safety for the community, safety for your workers and contractors, and safety for the maintenance and service teams who look after your project when it’s complete. The increase in the government and unions OH&S policies are staggering, not to mention that the best contractors in Queensland are now committing themes to injury free projects first.